Grade 3In grade three, students will continue to build their concept of numbers, developing an understanding of fractions as numbers. They will learn the concepts behind multiplication and division and apply problem-solving skills and strategies for multiplying and dividing numbers up through 100 to solve word problems. Students will also make connections between the concept of the area of a rectangle and multiplication and addition of whole numbers.
Learn more by clicking on one of the resources below. Download a PDF of practice Eureka Math problems for 3rd-grade.
Extra practice booklet - PDF Extra Support Videos!Click the link below to be taken to helpful videos for each lesson of the "Extra Support" Book linked above.! Note: videos are based on last year's lessons, so they may look different (and in some cases be off a lesson or two).
Module 1 - Properties of Multiplication and Division and Solving Problems with Units of 2-5 & 10 Module 2 - Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure Module 3 - Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6-9, and Multiples of 10 Module 4 - Multiplication and Area Module 5 - Fractions as Numbers on the Number Line Module 6 - Collecting and Displaying Data Module 7 - Geometry and Measurement Word Problems (no videos currently available) |
Current Resources
Parent RoadmapSee what your third-grader will be learning this year!
More Parent ResourcesVisit the Parent Support Page for Eureka Math at the Great Minds website.
Parent Tip Sheets
Learn how to support your child at home as they work through new concepts.
Module 4 Tip Sheet |
Module 5 Tip Sheet |
Module 6 Tip Sheet |
Module 7 Tip Sheet |